名词保龄球运动; 滚木球戏
1. 保龄球运动:保龄球 运动 ( Bowling ) 漫谈 保龄球运动 ( Bowling ) 是冬天很好的健身运动, 它集力量, 准确 , 定力于 一身, 运动量适中, 男女, 老少 咸宜, 还有一定的趣味性和竞争性.
2. bowling在线翻译
2. 投球:板球是以击球(batting)、投球(bowling)和接球(fielding)为主的运动. 参与者分两队作赛,通常每队11人,一队做攻击,另一队做防守. 攻方球员为击球手(batsman),比赛时每次只可派两人落场,致力夺取高分数;一人负责击球取分,另一人配合夺分.
1. 保龄球运动
Bowling is a game in which you roll a heavy ball down a narrow track towards a group of wooden objects and try to knock down as many of them as possible.
e.g. I go bowling for relaxation.
2. (板球等运动中的)投球
In a sport such as cricket, bowling is the action or activity of bowling the ball towards the batsman.
1. 保龄球运动
Bowling is a game in which you roll a heavy ball down a narrow track towards a group of wooden objects and try to knock down as many of them as possible.
e.g. I go bowling for relaxation.
2. (板球等运动中的)投球
In a sport such as cricket, bowling is the action or activity of bowling the ball towards the batsman.