薛能,字太拙,汾州人。登会昌六年进士第。大中末,书判中选,补盩厔尉,李福镇滑,表署观察判官,歷御史、都官刑部员外郎。福徙西蜀,奏以自副。咸通中,摄嘉州刺史,迁主客、度支、刑部郎中,权知京兆尹事,授工部尚书,节度徐州,徙忠武。广明元年,徐军戍溵水,经许,能以旧军,馆之城中,军惧见袭。大将周岌乘衆疑逐能,自称留后,因屠其家。能僻于诗,日赋一章,有集十卷,今编诗四卷。 薛能,字太拙,汾州人。登会昌六年进士第。大中末,书判中选,补盩厔尉,李福镇滑,表署观察判官,歷御史、都官刑部员外郎。福徙西蜀,奏以自副。咸通中,摄嘉州刺史,迁主客、度支、刑部郎中,权知京兆尹事,授工部尚书,节度徐州,徙忠武。广明元年,徐军戍溵水,经许。能以旧军,馆之城中,军惧见袭。大将周岌乘衆疑逐能,自称留后,因屠其家。能僻于诗,日赋一章,有集十卷,今编诗四卷。
《口号》 is a short poem written by Tang Dynasty poet Xue Neng. Below is the translation of the poem in Chinese:
With a staff made of pure bamboo, it echoes in the autumn breeze,
Wearing black boots, it resounds in the hall of dusk.
Xue Neng cuts through snow with a three-foot sword,
As the white day sets, the star of prose shines.
By Qin Zongquan.
The poem "口号" is short, concise, and evokes vivid imagery through its carefully chosen words. The first two lines depict the setting with sensory descriptions: the clear sound of a staff made of pure bamboo resonating in the autumn wind, and the echoing sound of black boots in a dimly lit hall. The imagery transports the reader to a tranquil autumn scene, perhaps hinting at the solitude and focus necessary for practicing calligraphy or other artistic pursuits.
In the last two lines, the poet, Xue Neng, introduces himself. He is portrayed as a skilled swordsman, able to cut through snow with a three-foot sword. This imagery symbolizes his talent and dedication in the literary arts. The mention of the "white day" setting and the "star of prose" shining suggests that even in adversity and darkness, Xue Neng's literary prowess remains luminous and brilliant. The final mention of Qin Zongquan is believed to be the poet's teacher or a revered figure in his artistic circle.
Overall, "口号" highlights the poet's dedication to his craft, his ability to overcome challenges, and the brilliance of his literary achievements.