1. 裙带关系:比方英语里的(裙带关系)(nepotism)一词就演化自义大利语的(侄甥)(nipole)一词. 在那个时代教皇大多重用自己的侄甥(其实大多是自己的私生子)原来那些教皇们虽然没结婚但是都有情妇还生小孩=口=,还可以把女儿嫁给贵族联姻,
2. 偏袒:nepotic 任人唯亲的 | nepotism 偏袒 | nepotist 任人唯亲的人
3. 重用亲戚,裙带关系:nepotic重用亲戚的 | nepotism重用亲戚,裙带关系 | nepotist重用亲戚的人
4. 任人唯亲,裙带风 任人唯亲,裙带风:negligent homicide 过失杀人 过失杀人 | nepotism 任人唯亲,裙带风 任人唯亲,裙带风 | neutrality law 中立法 中立法
1. 裙带关系;任人唯亲
Nepotism is the unfair use of power in order to get jobs or other benefits for your family or friends.
e.g. Many will regard his appointment as the kind of nepotism British banking ought to avoid.
1. 裙带关系;任人唯亲
Nepotism is the unfair use of power in order to get jobs or other benefits for your family or friends.
e.g. Many will regard his appointment as the kind of nepotism British banking ought to avoid.