1. swan的反义词
1. All your swans are geese.
1. She spent the summer swanning around Europe.
1. 斯沃恩:但显然,半精灵并非人类的对手,他们被迫从肥沃的斯沃恩(swan)丘陵平原带迁徙到高大的崔姆(dream)山区. 崔姆河则在费尔瑞半岛南部注入静谧海,普瑞提(pretty)盆地位于江流中段,盆地里有美丽的碎梦湖. 在这三条江流的中间则是丘陵以及高山,
2. swan的解释
2. swan:simulating wave nearshore; 代谱数值波浪模型
3. swan的解释
3. swan:satellute wan; 卫星广域网
4. swan:storage wide area network; 存储广域网
5. swan的翻译
5. swan:structured wireless aware network; 结构化无线网络
1. 天鹅
A swan is a large bird with a very long neck. Swans live on rivers and lakes and are usually white.
2. 逍遥自在;悠然自得
If you describe someone as swanning around or swanning off, you mean that they go and have fun, rather than working or taking care of their responsibilities.
e.g. She spends her time swanning around the world...
e.g. The mother was widowed and had swanned off.
1. 天鹅
A swan is a large bird with a very long neck. Swans live on rivers and lakes and are usually white.
2. 逍遥自在;悠然自得
If you describe someone as swanning around or swanning off, you mean that they go and have fun, rather than working or taking care of their responsibilities.
e.g. She spends her time swanning around the world...
e.g. The mother was widowed and had swanned off.